
SOUTH AFRICA (Kwazulu Natal) APRIL 08

Life is an Adventure.

After the snowy mountains of Lesotho our trio arrived back in Kokstad and hopped on a bus headed to Durban. From the cold Southern Drakensberg to the tropical temps of Durban - as the bus travelled we were striping layers off by the minute!
We arrived in a great hostel in the city of Durban and went for a wander.
EEK cities are horrible after so much time in the wild. Cars, noise, people, tall buildings.... it was crazy!
That evening the three of us settled down to our last dinner together and our last tournament of a card game that we had become addicted to 'Backpacker'.
The next day we would be heading to my friend's Duck Farm - PJ and I would be staying and Orla would be catching a bus out of there to get her flight home.

Seeing my friend Sally again was fantastic - we had worked together in London in a bar along with Andy (Cape Town). We had caught up at Andy's wedding and now PJ and I would be spending a couple of nights on Sally's family Duck farm! Fantastic! And our first night there they were having a party!

Our days in Durban with Sally and Mark were great - they showed us the tourist sights and we had a good catch up.

Soon enough though it was time for me and PJ to hop back on the bus. This time headed to explore the zulu culture in Eshowe.
We explored the Dlinza forest and saw some traditional dancing.

Then we spent a day with a wonderful character in a local zulu village.

One of the last things to do in Eshowe was to visit the local orphanage.
I was interested to see how it would compare to Tanzania. 

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