Paradise. Mystical. Spicy. Turquoise water. White sand beaches. Children with monkeys. Paintings. Fresh fish. Coral. Mystical. Historical. Boats. Architecture. Stone town. Romantic. Hot. Sheesha. Relaxing. Masai. Fun. Palm trees. Island. Zanzibar pizza. Sugarcane juice. The fort. Snorkeling. Music. Indian ocean. Colorful. Fishing. Sun.
20.09.82 - 13.02.08
It was on the island of Zanzibar that I found out that Hayden had been killed in a plane crash back in the town of Moshi where we lived - it was just days after these photos had been taken. Hayden had sent me a text after our trip to Zanzibar saying 'I have just had the best week of my life, I cant wait for the next one... and the one after.... and the one after'. We had made lots of plans for the future.
Hayden touched the lives of so many people both back home in New Zealand and in the community that we lived in Tanzania. He inspired people to follow their dreams. I think about Hayden everyday and miss his incredible smile. Hayden was the most wonderful person I have ever met and I feel so privileged that I got to spend the time I did with him.
Hayden looks hot, and what amazing photos of him, and a great blog post as a little memorabilia to him. At the end of the day memories are all any of us have xx